Joe Chianese

Meet RUNColumbus team member Joe Chianese. Joe and his wife Sara have two kids, Juliana (11) and Owen (9), two dogs, and two pigs!

Why/when did you start running? With the added free time I started running during the pandemic in October 2020. Also, decided to make some lifestyle changes to my diet.

What is your favorite aspect(s) of running? Running has been a great way to challenge myself. I enjoy getting outside and exploring and also how to appreciate how running reduces my stress and anxiety levels. I’ve seen significant improvements in my health and my running abilities since starting.

What excites you about being part of the RUNColumbus Race Series and Team? I’m excited to be a part of this group because it’s another way to continue to challenge myself and I like the idea of tracking my races and seeing how I stack up in my age group. Excited to get started! 

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