The points awarded to a runner for finish order in a race are based on the runner’s age on the date the race occurs. The RUNColumbus Race Series final standings are based on the runner’s age on the date of the last race in which the runner participates.
Here’s an example.
James is 29 years old when he completes five series races. The Finish Points he earns are based on how he stacks up against other RUNColumbus participants in the 25-29 age group. James celebrates his 30th birthday and goes on to compete in one more series race, where he earns Finish Points based on how he stacks up in the 30-34 age group.
At the end of the season, James’ final standing and eligibility for Championship and Age Group Division awards are based on 30 years of age. If James does not compete in any races after turning 30, his final standing is based on 29 years of age. If a race(s) in which James competes after turning 30 is dropped (see the Official Rules), he will contend for Championship and Age Group Awards in the 25-29 age group.