Teri Myers

We are stoked to introduce another new teammate, Teri! Teri is on the Columbus Eastside Running Club board and was instrumental in forming a partnership with RUNColumbus. Teri is excited to be part of the 2023 Season.

“It’s a perfect way to motivate me to run shorter distances and try out some new races that I may not have otherwise ran,” says Teri.

Here are a few fun facts about Teri:

How many years have you been running? 19

What are your preferred running shoes? Currently trying out ON shoes after I was introduced to them at a Columbus Running Company shoe demo.

What’s your favorite pre-race meal or beverage? Banana or toast. Oatmeal for the longer runs

What’s your favorite post-race meal or beverage? Chocolate milk and anything breakfast

What’s your favorite race distance? I honestly like all distances for different reasons. They all bring something different to my running story.

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