If you are a small business owner interested in growing your market share, consider talking with Holistic Marketing LLC’s founder and CEO Krystine Monnett. In an ever-changing digital world, their guidance is invaluable.
Tell us a little bit about Holistic Marketing LLC. Holistic Marketing LLC specializes in Digital Marketing Services for small businesses, mainly SEO, Content Marketing, PPC, and Squarespace Builds. Our heart is with small businesses all the way, but from time to time we get referrals for large businesses as well, so we have worked with anything from an idea to established multi-million dollar organizations.
When did you start up the business? I officially started Holistic Marketing LLC in 2016, but the concept began in 2014.
How many people does Holistic Marketing LLC employ? While I am the only “full-time” employee, I have a team of six contractors.
How were you impacted by the pandemic, and is business back to “normal?” Like many individuals and business owners, 2020 was on track to be my best year, however, that quickly changed! We were fortunate enough to remain flat year-over-year and not have to make any cuts. Holistic Marketing is 100 percent remote, so we did not have to adjust too much, but we did miss seeing clients in person. While we didn’t hit our growth goals, 2020 did allow us to shift and work on some back burner items for the business that I am pretty excited about. I would say that things are pretty much normal, the biggest COVID impact we are still feeling is face time with clients and partners is still a fraction of what we were used to!
What is distinctive about Holistic Marketing LLC? The reason I named the business Holistic Marketing LLC is that I take a holistic approach with my services. While I may only be handling a fraction of what my clients do, the efforts should not live in a silo. So I strive to learn as much as I can about the other efforts that they have going on so we can get the best results all around. Additionally, I pride myself on ensuring my clients understand what I am doing and continue to educate them along the way. Digital Marketing isn’t “magic”, but many people do not understand it, I have found when I communicate clearly clients are more excited about the results and it makes everything easier.