Carl Voellmecke

Series Race #14 of the 2023 Season of the RUNColumbus Race Series is the Hilltop U.S.A. 5K and Ruck Run. Carl Voellmecke serves as the race director and president of the Columbus Westside Running Club.

How did you become a race director? We had a coffee shop conversation with a community leader who told us he would be excited to support a community 5K. The Hilltop U.S.A. 5K was born.

What’s the greatest challenge you face in your role? My greatest challenge is creating an event representing this wonderful area of town and our proud local running community.

What’s the greatest reward? The greatest reward is the outpouring of community support, including CPD, Franklin Fire, business leaders, and local sponsors. Without the wonderful community partners, we wouldn’t be able to pull this race off, and we are truly blessed to have their support.

Besides signing up for your race, how can runners support and encourage race organizers? Volunteering for the race is crucial! Many forget about what goes on behind the scenes to make a successful race, and the volunteers make many races ( including ours!) run smoothly.

Is there anything else you want people to know?  One hundred percent of the proceeds go to the non-profits—Columbus Westside Running Club and Don Gentile American Legion Post 532 Honor Guard. We have raised over $14,000 for the legion in the past five years. Please support your local running community and local races! Let’s run!

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