Alli Sink

“I’m still newer to running; I’ve only been running eight months, so it’ll be fun to see some of the same faces across the different events. I also love having a goal that I need to reach, so striving for 6+ races sounds like a lot of fun. By the end of 2024, I’m hoping to run a sub 50 min 10k and a 22min 5k. My PRs so far are 55:23 for my 10k and 23:45 for my 5k, so I think it’s achievable.”

Welcome to Team RUNColumbus, Alli!

Here are a few fun facts about Alli:

How many years have you been running? 8 Months

What are your preferred running shoes? Saucony Tempus

What’s your favorite pre-race meal or beverage? Peanut butter toast and water

What’s your favorite post-race meal or beverage? Panera bread cinnamon bagel and Powerade zero

What’s your favorite race distance? 10K

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