Jermaine Jones

Please help us welcome our newest teammate, Jermaine! A CrossFit Expedition athlete and new-ish runner, Jermaine says he is excited to “build and expand my community while trying something new with like-minded people pushing one another.” Jermaine is also anxious to get outdoors more often for workouts and try hiking and ruck racing.

Here are a few fun facts about Jermaine:

How many years have you been running? 1 year

What are your preferred running shoes? On Cloud X3

What’s your favorite pre-race meal or beverage? Zoa+, Banana, Nutri-Grain Bar

What’s your favorite post-race meal or beverage? Peanut Butter, Nonfat Yogurt, Strawberries, Pea Protein Smoothie

What’s your favorite race distance? 5K

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