Meet RUNColumbus team member Tracy Treneff. Tracy has been married for 37 years.
Why/when did you start running? Started just to lose belly fat 2 years ago. Decided to challenge myself to train for and complete a half marathon. I have run 7 so far.
What is your favorite aspect(s) of running? The ability to challenge myself and control my own destiny. I can choose to train hard and get faster or hardly train at all and run for fun. I’m competitive so I have a goal of winning my age group in every race I run. So far that has happened once, in the 2022 Choo Choo 9 miler.
What excites you about being part of the RUNColumbus Race Series and Team? This year nothing really since I started too late to compete for prizes. But next year it’ll be exciting to be able to compete in the entire series. I noticed at the Choo Choo there were only serious runners in attendance. For the first time since I’ve been running, I lined up where I belonged and didn’t have to dodge walkers and slow starters to begin a race. A couple of people passed me and I passed a couple of people but for the most part I was by myself the entire race. Very Enjoyable.
Anything else you would like to share? (Goals, Club/Group, Recent Achievements) Again, my goal is to win my age group in every race I run. I would like to win some extra goodies during the series along the way.